As many of you are already aware, on Monday, March 23rd Governor Inslee issued a “Stay Home Stay Healthy Order”, ordering all non-essential Washington businesses to close for two weeks. Businesses are encouraged to do so immediately but must be done no later than 48 hours from the address. While we are still awaiting definitions from the Governor of what constitutes an essential business, we know based on the Governor’s address this will include grocery stores, doctor’s offices and hospitals, pharmacies, first responders, takeout food, food delivery, gas stations, and the media. As federal institutions, the post office and banks will remain open. Businesses that can operate using telework can continue to do so. For more information about what is open and what is closed, please see the Washington State website at https://coronavirus.wa.gov/whats-open-and-closed. Additional guidelines are pending but will be modeled after the Federal Government and California’s definition of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers.
Please rest assured that at Associated Industries we have been preparing for a stay at home order and have transitioned our workforce to a work-from-home capacity last week and we continue to remain open and able to serve you while still honoring the Governor’s order and keeping our community and our workers safe. We will continue to keep you up to date as we learn more, but if you have questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to our legal or HR teams who are here to support you and your business.