Mandatory Harassment Training for Isolated Workers

RCW 49.60.515 focuses on protecting isolated workers in the hotel, motel, retail, security guard and property services industries.  The statute took full effect on January 2021 and requires employers to […]

Supporting employees during COVID-19

The year 2020 was certainly interesting, as employers faced tough decisions surrounding the pandemic. Despite not having previous experience navigating a pandemic, employers relied on their heads, hearts, and government […]

COVID-19 & Paid Leave Updates

While the new year and a new administration have arrived, the global pandemic continues to be front and center. In the United States, even as vaccination programs are (haltingly) rolled […]

The When and Why of Employer Drug Testing

Employers should review their positions within the company to understand if drug testing is necessary. It is not uncommon for employers to require new employees to pass a pre-employment drug […]

Employee Opioid Use and EEOC Guidance

In recent years, the U.S. has experienced an increase in substance abuse, particularly related to opioid use and addiction. Employers dealing with substance abuse issues face challenges that are exacerbated […]

Coronavirus & the Workplace

The novel Coronavirus now called COVID-19 has now been declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be a pandemic. The CDC has stated that the current goal is to […]