Sensible solutions for your tough HR challenges.

Streamline HR functions & fuel growth: get tailored solutions for your business today!


Our pro-active services let you reclaim time, rest easy and get back to the business you and your people do so well.


Reduce risk and exposure by keeping HR policies and procedures in compliance with local state and federal guidelines.


Enjoy the benefits of an experienced HR team without incurring the cost of full-time salaries.


Receive organizational solutions that drive results through effective strategies and services.

Hiring Support & Pre-Screens

Getting the right person for the job is vitally important for the success of any business – at least half of personnel problems result from a flawed hiring process.  We can alleviate the administrative and scheduling burdens around hiring while ensuring your managers stay compliant throughout the process.

Employee Handbook & Policy Development

An Employee Handbook is an essential tool for businesses of all sizes.  It allows you to set expectations and ensure members of your team are applying policies.  Let our knowledgeable HR professionals draft your handbook or provide guidance on handbook policies.

HR Assessments

A comprehensive look at how your day-to-day HR functions are handled is your best ally in mitigating risks. We’ll review your current processes and procedures most affected by federal and state employment laws and provide you with recommendations and priorities in areas most vulnerable from an HR perspective.


Affirmative Action Plans

We combine our local expertise with a national law firm, Jackson Lewis, to deliver comprehensive and accessible affirmative action plans.


Failing to give proper attention to a workplace complaint or misconduct can have serious repercussions. Our independent and experienced workplace investigators can support you in managing challenging and complex issues.

Employee Surveys & Engagement

Our employee engagement program includes surveys that will provide you with the information you need to understand your employees’ attitudes, what motivates them and their perception of the company. The results can be used as part of the planning process for change, redevelopment, new initiatives, or restructuring.

Fractional HR Work

Keep Calm, We’ll Carry on For You.

HR Coaching

Our specialized HR professionals can evaluate your needs, implement best practices, fill gaps and train your staff on the effective use of new HR solutions.

Partial Outsourcing

Partner with our HR professionals to keep your HR function running smoothly. We can be an extension of your existing HR department, a temporary supplement during busy times to complete those long outstanding projects or provide full HR support to your organization.

Services include:

  • Part-time HR support for growing organizations
  • Temporary HR support for a leave of absence or vacant position
  • Personnel file and I-9 audit and organization
  • Job description development, recruitment and on-boarding
  • Policy development and implementation
  • Benefits administration
  • Strategic HR/workforce planning
  • FMLA/ADA administration
  • Implementation and tracking of performance management


Let’s tackle the tough workplace projects together.


Get started today!