ADA Wellness Notice Sample from the EEOC
Employers offering a wellness program are required to provide employees with a notice informing them of what information connected to the wellness plan will be collected by their employer, how […]
Just Around the Corner: ACA Form 1095-C Filing Deadline on March 31st
Time’s almost up. Just a few weeks left before all ALE companies (any employer with an average of at least 50 full-time or full-time equivalent employees for the calendar year) […]
IRS delays ACA reporting for Forms 1094/1095
UPDATE: As deadlines creep closer in the New Year, the IRS has made an announcement to extend deadlines for the new forms 1094 & 1095. 1095-C: the deadline to supply the 1095-C […]
Two-year delay on excise tax for employer-sponsored health coverage
Last week President Obama signed a bill that includes a two-year delay to the effective date for the excise tax on high cost employer-sponsored health coverage. The 40% Excise Tax […]
Obama signs budget deal that suspends, delays key ACA taxes
Congress passed and President Obama signed a $1.1 trillion spending bill on December 18 that includes $622 billion in tax breaks and delays or suspends several ACA taxes. Given labor […]